Friday 11 April 2008

Sheena the oldie Poodle

We did not even get a nights rest, when Lynne, the Director of Pawz for Thought, called mam and dad and said she had a poodle who, if Pawz did not rescue, was going to be put to sleep, now she was younger than me, so why should she cross the bridge if she did not need to. So sheena came to stay with us for a while. She was a lively gentle girl, deaf, but this caused her no problems, after some treatment for her ears and teeth, Sheena found her forever home in Nottingham, with a very nice lady. Sheena now lives on chicken and tuna and is very spoilt, so she should be. Just think, this girl would not be living such a high life if rescues, like Pawz for Thought, were not around.

1 comment:

BenTheRotti said...

Oh my goodness... finding this blog has made me ONE VERY HAPPY PUPPY!!!

Yay.. you caught the bug from me didn't you?? come on admit it! hehehe

ooohhh I'm soooo happy you are now in blogland!!

Ben xxxxxxxx